CDHK Lehre (ed.): Webinar/Workshop Agenda: Cognitive Computing, Machine Intelligence, and Deep Learning Neural Networks - Current state of the art and impacts of AI on business, management, manufacturing, automation and society - CDHK Tongji, 同济大学  - Online Tencent VooV Meeting 12.Nov - 10.Dec 2021

Goal: Conveying to students the broader picture and current state oft the art of the fast changing areas currently defined by cognitive computing, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and - especially – deep learning neural networks. The depth of discussion is on the level of a survey, introd...

THEMES: CDHK Lehre\GCC Workshop 2...
META STRUCTURES: CDHK\Agenda Worksho... | Website\K-Pool
YEAR: 2021
GCC's Wirtschaftsinformatik-Seminars at CDHK/Tongji Shanghai 2006 - 2019: Database 'CDHK K-Pool', View 'GCCNC_ThemesCompact', Document 'Blockseminare / Workshops Information Management' AGENDA & IMPRESSIONS - Photos, Videos
Thema /
.Tagesablauf / Agenda
Beschreibung / Description
Lehrunterlagen & Übung /
Klassenraum: Vorlesung, Übungen, Gruppenarbeit / Class
    4. Trends, Applications and Society
    4.2. Industry – Manufacturing (Automotive, ...)
    4.3. Society & AI (Education and Policy, Health and Medical, Impact on Jobs – Automation Anxiety
    4.9 AI Future: BCI? Humannoids? Consciousness?
    5. Miscellaneous – Ongoing Challenges
. ...
    "DL-Run !" Code-Examples

    Exemplary summary look at DL-models and their underlying code, as examples based on „MATLAB“ DL-Libraries
    (e.g. DL Toolbox, Visualize ConvNet Features, WebCam Image Recognition, Object Detection, Creative Art „Deep Dream“)
The final homework of the AI-seminar ...
    Your Homework for Grading, at the end of the AI-seminar

    First: Read and study your personal copy of the book "AI 2041" from Kai-Fu Lee and Chen Qiufan.
    After you have read: Make up your mind (and phantasy) to identify a theme for your homework.
    This means:
    • Identify an example, application, model, (open) question, challenge, highlight, etc. of the current AI (r)evolution
    • which you like to explore more profoundly after you have followed all the five sessions of the AI online seminar and
    • after you have read the book.
    Write a paper/essay about your selected theme of about 8-10 pages.
    In the paper apply the usual reference rules of academic papers by using the usual source annotations in the text and creating a bibliography of all source/literature references you have used in writing your seminar work.
    Hand in your seminar work as PDF document. Deadline is Jan. 15 (24:00 hrs), 2022
    (the deadline has been prolonged, because you have to read the book before you start with your homework)
