Lotus; Calow, Jeff: AD301 Overview of the Lotus Workplace Architecture, IBM Software Group, Orlando 2004.

THEMES: Lotus\...\3 Presentation... | Calow, Jeff
META STRUCTURES: Conference\...\01_Lotusphere_... | IE\...\Lotusphere 2004
YEAR: 2004
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HIDEWHEN: GCC-MediumAccess
LABEL: Lotusphere | Lotus Workplace
PEOPLE: Calow, Jeff
THINGS: Application Development | Architecture
TIME: 2004
AD301 Overview of the Lotus Workplace Architecture (web link)
Speaker: Jeff Calow
DL N. Hemisphere A-C - Monday 1:30pm - 2:45pm

This session will describe the basics of the Lotus Workplace architecture and the elements that application developers will be able to work with. We'll also discuss how business components are a new way of making code broadly reuseable to garner ease-of-use and ROI benefits, and are the foundation for next generation collaboration applications and a way to expose collaboration services.**