University of Paderborn
Business Information Systems 2
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Prof. Dr. Ludwig Nastansky

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One of my favorite (if not the only favorite) TV shows was and still is "Magnum, P.I." or simply "Magnum", as it was called on German TV. Quite recently I have visited Oahu, Hawaii and I have seen some of the places the show was filmed!

Since I do not have the time to note down all I know about the series, I would like to accompany you to some brilliant Web Sites featuring Magnum, P.I. - and these guys do it better than I could have done it anyway. Enjoy! Thanks to all of you who have set up these informative sites.

More selected links to worldwide Magnum, p.i. pages will be collected here, soon! So, bookmark this site and make sure you come back!

Michael's Magnum page
So far the most comprehensive Magnum, p.i. site I found.
Ben's Magnum page
Has a list of interesting Magnum, p.i. links.
Randy Bagwell's Magnum, p.i. Site
Hundreds of screen captures from the show! This is the place to go for Magnum, p.i. pictures - even of minor characters!
Santos' Magnum P.I. Page
Calls itself the official Magnum, p.i. page.
TV Themes Page
This page is the place to go for any television themesong.
Magnum, p.i. Page
A Magnum, p.i. Page at the University of Texas at Austin.
Celebrity Autographs
Would you pay $65.00 for Tom Selleck's Autograph? Here is the place to go, or you can just look at it.
Television in the 80s
This page lists many different popular TV shows from the 80s.
Magnum, p.i. Page
This page has a bunch of information including sounds and pictures.
The J. Q. Higgins Page
This page has everything you ever wanted to know about Higgins and more.
The Magnum, p.i. Newsgroup
I don't get into these things but here is a link to one if you do.
Ferrari Pictures
There are some great pictures of Magnum's and others Ferraris.

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